AD: Stooph
CW: Weston Bliobenes
There’s no getting around it: Dungeons & Dragons is seen as the archetype of nerdy gaming. But the reason behind its recent resurgence in popularity is the discovery of D&D as a creative outlet, with the rise spearheaded by celebs like Dylan Sprouse and Joe Manganiello. So how do we capitalize on this surge and spread the word of its endless possibilities?

The prophecy has foretold of a great hero worthy of legend.
The D&D journey isn’t all about playing the game; It begins right where you’re sitting. The path has finally been laid out in front of you, but it’s not a path for everyone. Indulge in your own destiny.
Prove you are deserving of legend.
Journey to the table.

Any chalice that holds these sacred spirits shall cristin the new adventurers along with the quest they’ve been chosen to embark on. A hero’s cup should never run dry. Please campaign responsibly.